The primary mission of the Berkshire County Sheriffs Office is to “Protect the public from criminal offenders by operating a safe, secure and progressive correctional facility while committing to crime prevention awareness in the community”. We accomplish our mission by:
A. Maintaining a safe and secure direct supervision correctional facility in compliance with national standards, laws, judicial decisions, and best practice .
B. Exploring innovative and cost effective alternatives to incarceration, including re-entry, and aftercare programs that reduce recidivism, promote public safety, and improve the effectiveness of the Berkshire County Sheriffs Office
C. Pursuing the fair and equitable treatment of inmates while respecting the rights and dignity of all persons (i.e., CORI, Victim/Witness Program, ADA, PREA, and LGBTQI).
D. Creating a just and fair environment that encourages positive behavior from offender (i.e., Direct Supervision Management, Treatment Environment).
E. Promoting education, treatment and social responsibility in an effort to successfully re-integrate criminal offenders to society (i.e., High School Equivalency Certificate, Substance Abuse, Job Training, Life Skills, and Parenting Programs).
F. Developing public safety initiatives, volunteer and support programs for the prevention of criminal activity and providing the community with pertinent information (i.e., DARE, Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program, Public Information Initiatives and TRIAD).
G. Seeking the highest level of professionalism, through support, motivation and training for all employees with accountability to the public we serve.
H. Safeguarding the assets of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts aIIocated to Berkshire County Sheriffs Office.
I. Where feasible, improve energy efficiency throughout physical plant.